In Your Church Family
- includes Baptism,Communion,Confirmation & Adult Communicant's Classes & The Rite of Marriage
- includes Senior/Youth Choirs, Scripture Reading, Ushering & Greeting, the Lift, Communion Dates,
Senior's Communion, Communion Preparation Committee, Anniversary Service and Worship Flowers
- includes Transportation, Pastoral Care Team and Economeals
- includes Women's Federation, Annual Bazaar, Women's Missionary Society, Circles, Men's Breakfast Club,
Board of Managers, Visitation Committee and Mystery Dinners
- includes the Worship, Outreach, Christian Education and Communications Committees
- includes Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Special Service and Young People's
Youth Group
- includes Church School Teaching, Nursery, Annual Picnic & Recognition Sunday and Bible Study Group
- includes Food Supply (funerals, and special events), Kitchen Help, & Coffee & Fellowship
- includes Office Assistance, Maintenance Work, Saving of Stamps, Grocery Store Tapes and Food Bank
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